IKOK Sonoda Hellas 1st European Wintercamp Delfoi-Parnassus, Greece, februari 3-4-5 2023

We are pleased to announce that IKOKS HELLAS together with the Braves Robos Team are organizing the 1st EUROPEAN WINTER CAMP IKOK SONODA in Greece, Delfoi- Paranassos on February 3-4-5, 2023.

(The camp is open to all organizations)

Official Guests and Teachers who will teach are:

Shihan Lee Costa (IKOKS Country Representative UK Wales)

Shihan Milea Neculai (IKOKS Country Representative Romania)

Sensei Thomas Manolitsos (IKOKS Country Representative Italy)

Sensei Hubert Dijkstra (IKOKS Branch Manager Netherlands)

Sensei Ronny Muller(IKOKS vice country Representative Germany)

For Information about cost and more information, please send an email to: kyokushin-neasmirni@hotmail.com

(0030)6908712622 -6943134424

Deadline participants until 10 january 2023

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