1ST EUROPEAN WINTERCAMP IKOK SONODA GREECE 2023, February 3th-5t, Delphi/Parnassos

On February 3 th- 5th, the first European winter camp of IKOK SONODA took place in Greece, specifically in Delphi/Parnassos, where it was organized by IKOKS HELLAS and the BRAVES. In addition, cutting the IKOKS cake for the year 2023

Thank you teachers Shihan Lee Costa (UK Wales), Sensei Huibert Jan Dijkstra (Holland), Sensei Louise Fenney (UK Wales), Sensei Ronny Muller (Germany), Senpai Thomas Manolitsos (Italy), Senpai Robert Kruger (Germany), Senpai Kleomenis Toumpanos (Switzerland) for accepting our invitation.

Athletes trained  the traditional part of the IKOKS organization by Shihan and Senseis, of course we should not miss the dynamic training on the snowy mountain Parnassos where the winter camp is characterized.

What is certain is that those who were present gained a lot of experience and trained hard.

Congratulations to all athletes for performing very well and showing the high standard of our country.

Finally, we would like to thank the parents for the trust you have shown us all these years.


Sensei Georgios Rompos IKOK Sonoda Country Representative Greece

Sensei Ioannis Rompos IKOK Sonoda Branch Manager Greece

Braves Robos Team IKOK Sonoda Greece

Snow training 2023 IKOK Sonoda Greece Wintercamp

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